罗远婵,16877太阳集团副教授、硕士生导师。2006年获浙江大学农业与生物技术学院农学博士学位。2019年于美国康奈尔大学微生物学系开展访问学者研究工作。长期致力于微生物农药及肥料的创制及其防治和抗逆机制的研究,以及微生物生物合成学的相关研究工作。作为负责人先后主持国家科技部海洋领域“863”计划、国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发、上海市科技兴农项目等多项国家及省部级课题。在“Bioresource Technology”、“ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering”、“Frontier in microbiology”等本领域重点期刊上发表论文30多篇,授权专利6项
1. 微生物农药的创制及其防治机制的研究:结合发酵工程、多组学等技术创制高效环保的防治植物病害的微生物农药;同时研究微生物农药的有效成分--生防菌涉及群体感应、生物膜形成、高效低毒抗菌物质合成等相关的防治病害机制。
2. 生防芽孢杆菌对重金属、盐碱土的耐受机制的研究:通过转录组和转座子库构建等正、反向筛选方式,寻找重要生防芽孢杆菌中与重金属和盐碱土耐受性相关的关键基因(簇)、并揭示其作用机制,同时利用基因工程和实验室适应性进化等技术,通过胞内生物合成耐高渗物质、改造能量代谢途径构建高抗逆Bacillus底盘菌株,为开发适用于我国重金属轻度污染农田或盐碱地的微生物农药及土壤处理剂的开发奠定基础。
1. 面上自然科学基金,22278137,2023-2026,课题骨干成员。
2. 上海市科技兴农项目子课题,2021-02-08-00-12-F00771-2,2021-2023,项目负责人。
3. 企业横向课题,上海地区水稻和蔬果的有害生物鉴定,2020-2022,项目负责人。
4. 十三五”国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2017YFD0201107-2-3,2017-2020,课题负责人。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,31501693,2016-2018,项目负责人。
6. 国家海洋技术领域“十二五”863项目课题,2011A09070402,2011-2014,项目负责人。
7. 国家“十二五”973项目子课题,2011CB200902,2011-2015,课题骨干成员。
8. 国家“十二五”科技支撑项目,2011BAE06B04-16,2011-2014,课题骨干成员。
1. 本科生必修课《分子与细胞生物学》(主讲)
2. 本科生必修课《生理学试验》(主讲)
3. 本科生必修课《Microbiology》(全英)
4. 本科生选修课《农业生物技术》(主讲)
1. Jiaping Jiang#, Yuanchan Luo#, Peng Fei, Zhengtong Zhu, Jing Peng, Juefeng Lu, Du Zhu, and Hui Wu*. Effect of adaptive laboratory evolution of engineered Escherichia coli in acetate on the biosynthesis of succinic acid from glucose in two-stage cultivation. Bioresources and Bioprocessing. 2024, 11:34.
2. Mingcheng Xu#, Yuanchan Luo#, Xiaozhen Liu#, Peng Fei, Juefeng Lu, Yuying Wang, and Hui Wu*. Production of 3‑Hydroxypropionic Acid from Syngas-Derived Acetic Acid by Engineered Vibrio natriegens Combined with Adaptive Laboratory Evolution. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023,11(10):4125-4132.
3. Yuying Wang, Juefeng Lu, Mingcheng Xu, Chen Qian, Fei Zhao, Yuanchan Luo*, and Hui Wu*. Efficient Biosynthesis of Isopropanol from Ethanol by Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coli. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022,10,41: 13857-13864.
4. Yuanchan Luo, Lei Chen, Zhibo Lu, Weijian Zhang, Wentong Liu, Yuwei Chen, Xinran Wang, Wei Du, Jinyan Luo* and Hui Wu*.Genome sequencing of biocontrol strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bam1 and further analysis of its heavy metal resistance mechanism.Bioresources and Bioprocessing.2022, 9:74.
5. Pengye Guo#, Yuanchan Luo#, Ju Wu, Hui Wu*.Recent advances in the microbial synthesis of lactate-based copolymer.Bioresources and Bioprocessing. 2021, 8:106.
6. Ningyu Lai#, Yuanchan Luo#, Peng Fei, Peng Hu, Hui Wu*. One stone two birds: Biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from CO2 and syngas-derived acetic acid in Escherichia coli. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology. 2021, 6(3):144-152.
7. Peng Fei#, Yuanchan Luo#, Ningyu Lai, Hui Wu*.Biosynthesis of (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid from syngas-derived acetate in engineered Escherichia coli.Bioresource Technology.2021, 336:125323.
8. Ankita J Sachla, Yuanchan Luo, John D Helmann*. Manganese impairs the QoxABCD terminal oxidase leading to respiration-associated toxicity. Molecular microbiology. 2021, 116:729-742.
9. Jincui Yi, Daojing Zhang, Yuejuan Cheng, Jingjing Tan, Yuanchan Luo*. The impact of Paenibacillus polymyxa HY96-2 luxS on biofilm formation and control of tomato bacterial wilt.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019, 103:9643–9657.
10. Yuanchan Luo, Yuejuan Cheng, Jincui Yi, Zhijun Zhang, Qian Luo, Daojing Zhang* and Yuanguang Li*. Complete genome sequence of industrial biocontrol strain Paenibacillus polymyxa HY96-2 and further analysis of its biocontrol mechanism. Frontier in microbiology. 2018, 9, 1520.
11. Kangbo Gu, Daojing Zhang, Cheng Guan, Jiahui Xu, Shulan Li, Guomin Shen, Yuanchan Luo*, Yuanguang Li*. Safe antifungal lipopeptides derived from Bacillus marinus B-9987 against grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2017, 16(9):1999-2008.
12. Jianhua Fan, Hui Xu, Yuanchan Luo, Minxi Wan, Jianke Huang, Weiliang Wang, Yuanguang Li. Impacts of CO2 Concentration on Growth, Lipid Accumulation and Carbon Concentrating Mechanism Related Genes Expression in Oleaginous Chlorella. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015, 99(5):2451-2462.
13. Jianhua Fan, Kang Ning, Xiaowei Zeng, Yuanchan Luo, Dongmei Wang, Jianqiang Hu, Jing Li, Hui Xu, Jianke Huang, Minxi Wan, Weiliang Wang, Daojing Zhang, Guomin Shen, Conglin Run, Junjie Liao, Lei Fang, Shi Huang, Xiaoyan Jing, Xiaoquan Su, Anhui Wang, Lili Bai, Zanmin Hu, Jian Xu, and Yuanguang Li. Genomic Foundation of Starch-to-Lipid Switch in Oleaginous Chlorella spp. Plant Physiology . 2015, 169(4):2444-2461.
14. Zhenhua Liu, Honggang Wei, Yuanguang Li, Shulan Li, Yuanchan Luo, Daojing Zhang, Lie Ni. Optimization of the Spray-drying of a Paenibacillus polymyxa-based Biopesticide on Pilot Plant and Production Scales. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 2013, 10.
15. Yuan Fang, Miaomiao Lou, Bin Li, Guanlin Xie, Fang Wang, Lixin Zhang, Yuanchan Luo. Characterization of Burkholderia cepacia complex from cystic fibrosis patients in China and their chitosan susceptibility. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology. 2010, 26:443-450.
通讯地址:上海市徐汇区梅陇路130号我校, 16877太阳集团实验八楼415室